December 12, 2011



I woke up AGAIN at 5 am today. I thought it was the middle of December for a few minutes.  Then I realized "WHEW, Thanksgiving is tomorrow".  But,  for the first time this year, I thought about Christmas. (and yes, I see the blessing in that)  But....... not the "Oh, It's The Most, Wonderful Time, Of The Year" thoughts on Christmas.......... More of the CRAP!!!!!  It's almost Christmas!!!! Kind of thoughts. These are the kind of thoughts that ONLY mothers have.  ( Am I right ladies?) So, this is going to sound sacrilege to a few men out there. But, as we Mother's know...........THEY DON'T GET IT!!!!!  They don't get ALL the details, errands, lists, errands, plans, errands, decorating and more errands that go into pulling off a beautiful wonderful holiday........for everyone else. 

Oh, I do enjoy Christmas morning. Even though the "excited" looks on my kids faces have always left a lot to be desired. I think anything short of a new car has always gotten a little smile and a thank you. They assure me later that they were jumping up and down inside upon opening the gift that was from their yearly list to Santa.   That they REALLY LOVED the Ninja Turtle, Power Ranger or Pokemon item that was the hit for that year.  But COME ON!!!!!!  I didn't run all around town for weeks to pull off the annual BEST CHRISTMAS EVER to have to sit on Christmas morning and IMAGINE my kids jumping up and down.  

It's a Doyle thing.  I'm sorry to the three women who have joined our ranks.  Your gonna search and try and anguish over what to get your husband. And IT WILL be the perfect gift. But you'll NEVER know it!!!!! Just get good at picturing them jumping up and down on the inside. Cuz that's ALL your getting.  Welcome to my life!!!!! Just be happy with your kids reactions on Christmas morning.  Oh, wait..........they're Doyle's too!!!!

Well, I guess this year is a great year to just simplify.  One stop shopping.   NEW CARS FOR ALL!!!!

Merry (almost) Christmas!!!! Yes I said it and it's not even Thanksgiving yet! (I checked)

Love to all, 

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