November 11, 2011


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2011 2:09 AM

Hello Everyone, 

What was I thinking?  When I went to bed, I was so tired that I thought I could sleep without the aid of the small white pill I've been very thankful for lately.  Went to bed at 11:00, was out in 2 seconds. Woke up at 2am and thought, "it must be time to get up".  Not the case!!!!! Oh, but now I am up. So, time for an update, some hot cocoa and then I'll give slumber another try. 

Mike had a successful plastic surgery yesterday. It didn't go as well as Tyler had hoped (Scarlette Johanson face)  But they accomplished what they set out to do.  The doctor took muscles from his right thigh, to attach into his side. Seems a little counter productive since he now has a new wound. But, I'll leave that up to the experts.  Still wondering why they never take me up on my offers of donating thighs, extra tummy or using any epidermis I have plethora of.  Oh, well......this is not about me becoming a size 4.

Sam and I are both going to counseling.  I'm still busy giving her the "big picture" so when Mike finally gets there, he can add what I left out. (most of you know, I probably didn't leave much out)    Sam seems to be coping pretty well. We both enjoy the counselor and are praying to learn the tools to help us cope with all the events in the past year that have culiminated in this current tragedy.

Mike wants visitors today. He will be in pain and your heart may ache to watch it, but there's nothing you can do but hold his hand and talk to him. It's amazing how healing that can be though. 

Love to all, 


MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2011 4:15 PM

No visitors today please. He needs a lot of rest after this mornings reconstructive surgery. 

Ty, Just, Shani, Sam and I were there yesterday visiting and discussing the fact that dad was having plastic surgery. Justin asked if he was going to go for a new face? Possibly a George Clooney or Brad Pitt. I asked " Hey, shouldn't I have some say in this?". 
Ty said " No, cuz I think they should make him look like Scarlette Johanson".

Thank goodness all surgery was below the neck. Sam already doesn't recognize him with no facial hair.

Text me tomorrow to see if he's seeing visitors before you make the trip.

Love to all,


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2011 6:35 PM

I lost count but apparently our Justin did not. So, that means Mike will be having his 10th surgery tomorrow. This one is to patch the hole in his side that has been causing him so much grief!!!! Time to close this one up!  Which is a great step in getting him closer to coming home. 

Extra prayers tonight please. 

Love to all, 



SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2011 10:50 PM

Well, the word for the last few days has been PROTEIN!!!!  The doctor said he needs to get more of it to get strong enough for his next surgery. The necessary amount is suppose to be 115-135 grams a day according to the dietitian.  Well, there is NO WAY he's coming anywhere close to that so I hope it's not that crucial.  I was told he's having a major surgery on Monday.  I will talk to the doctor soon to ask more about it. It has to do with reconstructing muscles.

They have taken away the morphine.  This is the drug that I"M addicted to.  I'm addicted to the calm feeling I get when I see Mike get SOME relief from pain. This diminishes the amount of funny stories we get to hear.  But also clears his brain a bit and he seems like his old self more of the time.  

Yesterday's story was about an old woman who sat next to him typing off and on.  She never spoke to him and wouldn't show him what she was typing. I asked if he knew her and he said no. I asked if she had a nice face or a mean face. He pondered that for a second or two and said "Hmm, nice enough"  I asked "why didn't you talk to her?"  He said he didn't want to know what she'd have to say. He also said people have been poking him a lot lately. I asked "Is it your mom and dad?" (who have passed) He looks and me shocked and said "I hope not". I said "they're probably poking you to get you moving cuz they don't want you joining them just yet".

He has me read all the blog entries. I made one up yesterday since there were only a couple of new ones. I felt a little guilty, but it made him happy. So, no harm done. I prefer to not have the guilt though so post a line or two please.  

Tyler has been here since Friday morning so we have been visiting with Mike off and on throughout each day. 3 times on Friday and 3 today.  Sometimes we go and he just needs to sleep, or try to anyways. If you go visit and they say no to visitors it's because he's trying to sleep. I apologize for the inconvenience.  If you want to call me first you can. 

Thank you for all the love in the form of calls, visits, food, hugs, notes, shoulders to cry on, helping with Sam, help at work, notes to Mike, etc etc. All of it is very appreciated and helps me attend to the things I need to do.  My "To Do" list has changed quite a bit.  I don't even know what was on it before this. 

Love to All, 

November 10, 2011



The best news for today is Mike HAD THE BEST NIGHTS SLEEP HE'S HAD IN 9 MONTHS!!!!!  We're all hoping for a repeat. But are very grateful for this blessing.  

Mike had a "dream" after watching the Animal Channel. He was a polar bear, in fact he was King of the Polar bears.  I asked what does the King do?  He said he doesn't know but his nurse thought it was a statement about Global Warming and his current condition.  I thought that comment came from a drugged and confused mind.   Until I had my own conversation with the Nurse.  He knew just what he was talking about.

Thankful for the many hands that are keeping CVC going quite well. Michelle Fluckiger, my sister Debbie, Lindsay Sewell and Kimberly Mack. (the latter 3 are all previous employees).  I actually don't really need to show up and things just magically get done!  Love it!

Thank you to all Mike's visitors. Pretty much any time between 10 and 9 you can get a visit in. 

Love to all,



I forgot this little tidbit, which Mike will enjoy down the road.

I got a message on my phone from Mike when I couldn't pick up. He sounded like he was whispering:

"Lor, don't listen to what the nurses tell you, I didn't do what they said I did"

I look back on my phone to see if the nurses had called. I thought they might be telling me he had fashioned his plastic spoon into a shank or something (look it up, it happens) And that truly was my first thought cuz he and I had been joking about it the day before.

I called the nurse to see what was going on. She says "Oh, he's doing fine, resting after this mornings procedure". I told her what he said and she laughed and said. " That's because I thought he was trying to stand up without help, but he said he was just going to sit on the edge of the bed"

Another conspiracy thwarted!

Love to all,



On any given day, Mike may or may not be able to have water or solid food. Yesterday when he was heavily drugged from a procedure, he was commenting on how 'EVERYONE else in there has water, cuz he SEES IT when he takes his laps around the trauma unit. I explained how everyone else has a different problem than he does, so it doesn't matter. He followed up my convincing logic with a whispered "and they all have food!"  Don't anyone mention to him how Sam and I are getting yummy awesome meals brought in......we might become one of "them"!

They continue to clean out his wound and monitor his bowel sounds. Never thought I'd cheer for a man to pass gas! But that was me yesterday. He has a problem in his bowel that only deprivation can solve. He finally got water, apple juice, and jello last night. We'll see how today's rations trickle in or if they are needing to take them away again. Only the passage of gas and time will tell.

Love to all,


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2011 9:12 AM

Two days ago a nurse brings in a tray of "delicious" hospital cafeteria food for Mike. Now we all know on our hungriest day,  none of us want to go this route for a meal. Mike is no exception. After he'd taken two bites, a nurse yells "Have him stop eating, throw that food away!". Someone forgot to check the results of a test that said he was back on the feeding tube only.  I don't think he was real upset. He doesn't have many working taste buds.

At another point in the day a nurse was giving him a pain medication shot. Again, a frantic voice from the nurses station. "STOP giving him that medication, that's the one that makes him HALLUCINATE!!! So they had to suck it back out of the line and try to reassure me that a little bit wouldn't hurt.  So Mike, enjoy your "little" hallucination.  Don't freak out when the Mud Man is at the foot of your bed again.  He'll be gone soon.

He still hasn't gotten complete relief from pain. Part of that is due to a distended stomach. The drugs are causing his insides to swell. So today he needs to have a procedure to fix that and then surgically have his wound cleaned out at a separate time.

Love to all,


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2011 10:54 PM
Sunday, Day of Rest?
Mike has yet to have a restful sleep. They are constantly trying to get the right medicine combination to alleviate his pain. He did get up and take a few laps around the Trauma unit with his walker. The more he walks, the quicker he recovers. So, he pushes through the pain and trains for the marathon called Life.

I went to visit this morning at 6:30 and stayed for five hours. Most of my visits seem to involve proper pillow placement and politely nudging the nurses for drugs. (for him, not me). The nurse gave Mike a little speech on how they needed to take care of his care..... And not have me doing so much when I'm there. I think that's because THIS squeaky wheel is starting to grate on their nerves. (naaaaahhhhhh, that can't be it).

Kim Sewell spent more time at the hospital today than I did. She would sit out in the waiting room when he got other visitors, then resume her vigil when they'd leave. She got to witness a huge family brawl while out in the hall. (no Doyles were involved). She also flagged down a couple of missionaries to come see Mike. I' m sorry I missed it because Kim and Mike both said it was such a wonderful visit and they were very sweet.  but then show me a missionary who's not).

My mom came to visit but I hardly saw her. I told her it was just great to know she was " on call". So, sorry time will come later.

Thank you to the Bates for bringing the posters with all the pics from the ward on it. Tanner Keller got it all organized and got so many people involved.  Mike was so touched. Thank you to everyone else who brightened our day in various ways. You know who you are. Too tired to name you individually but I'm thanking Heavenly Father for you right now.

Love to all,


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2011 10:36 PM

Mike had another surgery today. The first 3 were to repair. Then next four were for cleaning the wound. I've had 4 conversations with nurses asking "It just seems to me, when they're in there, they could just get that kidney stone out at the same time". I understand there are larger wounds to deal with, but I certainly don't want to have him be all healed from this and then decide "Hey, now let's open him up AGAIN and see about that 9 month old Kidney Stone. So, finally today, a very nice nurse named Lisa seemed to agree. I truly thought she was nice before she agreed with me, but that increased my appreciation for her. So it's now something that they are going to look into.

They have had a terrible time balancing his medications to give him enough relief from pain that "feels like someone's stabbing me with a knife and twisting it". He thought kidney stone was at the top of the ultimate pain scale. Well it was for him, WAS being the key word here.

Mike has enjoyed every single visit SO much and appreciates every word written on the blog. Sometimes he's surprisingly talkative and other times he can hardly keep his eyes open but still wants the visitor to hold his hand. The other night Bishop Astle came and he would not let the poor guy leave. So if you visit and he doesn't respond much, the loving gesture of holding his hand is still truly felt by him.

Tanner missed his plane today back to North Carolina for his final month of his sales job. He would say it was my fault if you asked him. I would say last night's conversation between us holds a clue as to where the blame lies.

Tan: What time do we have to leave for the airport?
Me: Well you've got to be there an hour before your flight
Tan: I don't know why you'd ever have to get there that far ahead!

I rest my case.

Love to all,


In the interest of telling the whole story, i'm putting this sad blog in. we have since realized that some cops just like to close cases, regardless of facts. Mike did not shoot himself.


Most of you know Mike broke his ankle last year and was in pain for many months. While starting to almost feel like himself again, he began the "Kidney Stone from Hell" ordeal.

Get out your metric rulers. It was 8mm by 6 mm, football shaped and just STUCK on his left side. This monster was unwilling to move no matter what!!! We tried every Internet homemade recipe ro flush it out, homeopathic remedies and herbs from health food stores, holistic medicine and so many different pain medications which never gave him complete relief. At best, it would take the edge off. With no health care, it was 6 months before he had Lithotrypsy to break it up so it could become dislodged. It didn't work and it is still in the exact place as when we started. 

A month ago, tiny pieces started coming out. I thought Halleluiah, we're finally getting somewhere. Mike thought "how much longer can I take this pain" Now nit wanting to drink, for fear he would pass something, yet knowing that's exactly what needed to happen.

Then 6 or so weeks ago, he was taking a break from Paddling on his Stand Up board and was sitting on a big rock in a cove above Negro Bar. He was just finishing reading the sports page that he'd brought in his waterproof pouch and was listening to his iPod. He did not hear the man that came up from behind him to attack him. He was hit over the head with a rock , twice he thinks, and was knocked down to the sand. The guy then was shoving his face in the water and he had a huge bump on his forehead and multiple scratches around his head ms cuts on his knees. Mike fought him off by throwing him into the deep cove. The man was fully dressed with a thick jacket on, on a 90 degree day. Mike never saw him come back up out of the water. He assumed he drowned. He got on his board and started to paddle back downstream, Looking for him the entire time. Not really sure what he was going to do if he found him but thinking he should pull him put of the water. 

He was feeling so despondent over this and began having crazy, scary nightmares 3 or 4 times a week. He would yell out and jerk his arms around and when I'd wake him he would be so upset This is a guy who remembers dreaming maybe 10 times his entire life.

Well now for these past 6 weeks he's been exhausted from the kidney stone pain, but would fight sleep because of the nightmares. I was looking into counseling to help with the nightmares and still trying to find THE pain medication that's was going to give him COMPLETE relief. Needless to say, it's been very stressful at The Doyles for over a year. 

We joke a lot and laugh a lot together. This is how we cope. When he wasn't his normal self, I attributed it to him being tired and/or in pain. I COULD NOT believe how well he could keep up with work and what ever else he had to do or wanted to do (two sons got married this year). 

So, the saddest part to this story is Mike wasn't shot. He shot himself. He is actually shocked and cannot believe it happened. He remembers before and he remembers after. But does not remember doing it. The cops showed him evidence to prove to him that he did it. I saw the evidence and that's also what it says to me. (I do not want to explain how). This makes no sense to me as Wednesday was an ordinary day. We prayed, we kissed, we joked with each other, we worked together ....same as most other days. I didn't know this was what happened til 2 days ago.

So he's getting the medication and counseling he needs. He assumes at some point he'll remember the middle part of last weeks horrible event. For now, he doesn't want to remember and just wants to get better. If he brings it up during a visit , feel free to talk about it. If he doesn't, please don't ask questions

The love from his family, his wonderful friends and the blessings from our Heavenly Father are the unseen yet most important ingredients in what is expected to be a full recovery.

I read this to Mike and asked if he wanted me to post it. He said yes and wanted me to do it at this time. 

Love to all, 

November 6, 2011


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 12:02 

Mike or I never seem to know what day it is.  It doesn't seem to matter. We're on the Lord's timeclock.  Just one looooonnnnnggggg day. 

Thursday Mike had the wound cleaned out again.  He had some extremely painful episodes. They are torn between having him hallucinate and managing his pain. It's a constant balancing act. 

He was so happy to have me shave his head AND HIS MUSTACHE AND GOATEE!!!! He felt so much better. I prefer a little fuzz on his face but I'll let him be for now.  He looks so much older to me. Tan and Sam thinks he looks 10 years younger.  Well that doesn't help ME at all, so as soon and I can get some hair back on that's gonna happen. 

Mike got his wish finally of getting to drink some orange juice.  He's been talking about it for days!!!!!

Love to all,
Lorrie Tan and Sam



Hello Friends of Mike Doyle,

Mike was unable to connect with Hudson today. Something was going on with his oxygen and they couldn't let him get out of bed. The nurses were determined to wheel him out in the hall where children are allowed but that plan was dashed. I know Hudson's smart enough to pass for 12 but the height issue was insurmountable to get him into the inner sanctum of TRAUMA NEURO INTENSIVE A.

He was in a lot of pain most of the day. I went to work from 3:00 to 8:00 to help put out fires. When I showed up after for my second visit of the day, I was in big trouble. He wondered what I could have been doing all day. "Um dear, I'm busy running your life......that's all". He was so happy to hear that I had his wedding ring and his Tree of Life ring. He was so convinced they were cut off that when I showed him the ring he ran his finger around it to check. Me: "So you thought I was lying to you when I said they didn't cut it off." He said yes cuz he didn't think it was possible. 

Love to all,



No news, he's just the same as yesterday. Still no visitors today please. Yes this means you,! Haha

Went to see Mike for an hour before surgery. He was trying to spell to me but all I got was the word KEEP. He couldn't function enough to get anything out. He thinks he's able to use the buttons on his phone. He pushes them, I try to read it, I hold it up to him and he just stares at it. Tries to act like that's what he was trying to say. So below, for all you foreign language experts and also the Elvish and Navi constituents ........for HEAVENS SAKE would you call me if you can read the below:

PP bbbbbbb wwww pdddgg. 

Apparently this is the item I'm suppose to be keeping. My guesses are:

My Chin Up?
A song in my heart?
On Truckin?
My Sanity? ( too late, that was gone previously )
On Keeping on? ( better not be that one cuz it's stupid )

Anyone, Anyone.? (Ferris Beuller reference)

Love to all,
Sent from CaringBridge iPhone app


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 8:26 PM

Mike called this morning very upset (caused by the drugs) that I hadn't shown up yet. Well it was 9:30 am!!! He was told he was going to have surgery and he was frantic to see me because he might never see me again!!!! ( His words) So, I threw on yesterday's clothes, no shower and left with Sam and Brandon and met Justin there.

When I got there I was in trouble (again the drugs). He was describing the latest hallucination.......this one creepy and I won't be repeating it. Brandon told him the creepy man wasn't there and he barked "Don't back talk to your Father!" He HONESTLY has NEVER said that to any one of our children. I wish I could say it was because they never talked back, but it speaks more to Mike's non-aggressive parenting style. (I did all the dirty work).

He asked us to leave after an hour cuz he said he got no sleep last night and he wanted to rest before todays surgery. He thought it was going to be at 11:00 and it wasn't until 5:00. I guess, like brushing ones teeth, you need to rinse out any recent gunshot wound daily. So, make sure your all doing that if necessary!!!

I'm going to go later and wash his head, and rub his shoulders........even though he won't know I'm there tonight. I'm a giver! What can I say? Actually, it's more for me than him I think. He's back with tubes in so can't talk again. That is so frustrating for both of us.

No visitors at all on Tuesday please. He will be having ANOTHER surgery and it's the day to see if he's able to sit in a chair (nurses say it's possible). If he can, they will roll him out into the hall so he can see Hudson. If you don't know who Hudson is..........he's the light of this Grandma and Papa's hearts. (Along with The Gallachers!!!)

Love to all,


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 12:27 AM
Hello to all. Thank you for the nice hugs Sam and I were able to get in Sacrament meeting. Still very surreal that this is my life right now. Got to visit with Mike two different times. 2 1/2 hours after church and then went back at 8:30 and stayed til almost midnight. I guess since we weren't making much noise, they bent the rules a bit.

He was in good spirits and could finally talk. He's breathing on his own and they cut back a bit on his medications. He does have a button though that he can push every ten minutes for an extra dose of pain meds. That's going on my Christmas list. He looks better to me each time I see him. Although slower than we would like, they say he is showing good progress.

I asked him if he wanted me to tell his friends anything on this blog. He twisted his face up and said "Anything that I would say would be boring and drug induced". So I said that's fine, we'd wait til he was ready.

So here's the best part which refers to the title. We'll be talking and then out of the blue he'll say "I see purple". Then he looked at me once and said "your lime green" Right before I left, he started another "acid trip" so I recorded it on my phone.

MIKE: I am seeing hands of every color, reaching down through the ceiling towards me. Not the palms, just the fingers. Of EVERY color, I mean like 1102, 1304, 0800, 1843, 1142, 1800
ME: All those colors?
MIKE: ( in his currently weak version of yelling) EVERY ONE OF THEM!
ME: what color is 1800?
(at this point I realize he's saying Thread Numbers from our Embroidery Dept).
ME: What's 1142
MIKE: I didn't say 1142! Well maybe I did. I don't know. 1102 is kind of a Tennessee Orange, 1304 is Roseville Orange, 0800 is Del Oro Gold, 1843 is Rocklin Royal.
ME: Those are the colors your seeing?
MIKE: Yeah, and I'm seeing a lot more.
ME: What are they doing? Are they waving or saying come here?
MIKE: Slowly protruding towards me. I think they're friendly cuz their colorful. 2502 pink. 2550 HOT pink.

And that intelligent conversation is why we don't do drugs kids!

Love to all,



I dont want to forget this little tidbit. Those of you who have watched Arrested Development (which I highly recommend) will appreciate this the most. 

The first night we were at the hospital I was told to go to a certain waiting area cuz I wasn't allowed to see Mike.  So, after a bit a nurse comes up to me and says. "I need you to come say GoodBye" and in the space between that sentence and her next flashed "GoodBye, what do you mean GoodBye? He's dead???? He just got here!!!!" Then she comes out with "It's time to take him into surgery".  

I'm not a medical professional (although I'm often playing Nurse to Mike) but it just seems that she could have changed the order that those two comments were made in.   

How about:   "Lorrie, Mike's about go to into surgery, would you like to come say hello?"       Is it me?  Am I being too sensitive? I submit to you that I am not!!!!! (Brian Regan reference)

Love to all, 



Contrary to what some of you might think, Mike cannot get enough of me talking to him. He always wants to hear my stories, or talk him to sleep, or read out loud to him. He doesn't like me being quiet. I'm guessing it 1) Drowns out his Tinitis that he's had for years 2) Helps him stop thinking about the searing pain from a current Migraine that he's dealt with for the last 20 years or 3) Helps ignore whatever other ailment he is currently experiencing. So, why then am I at a loss for words when I'm at his bedside? Some of you might consider that a miracle!!! haha.

I guess I can bring the scriptures and read to him. I'll probably leave out "the valley of the shadow of death" stuff for now. Skipping to the happy stuff. (any suggestions?) I guess for that I'll bring the Ensign. And of course your blog entries. We'll start with those.

He's heavily sedated still today. So, not aware enough for long to know we're there. But, I will be taking 2 sons for a visit and try to get 2 minutes of coherant thought from him. Last night I asked if he knew who I was and he shook his head yes. I said "does my name start with an O?" He shook "no". "Does my name start with a P?" He shook "no". Does my name start with an "L"? He shook his head "yes". It's a little like a game you'd play on family night. Kind of a mutated charades. But we enjoy it.

Now that I think about it...........everyone that knows us well enough would know that Mike's answer should have been No until I hit the letter B. Since the beginning of time, to him, my name is "Boob". Which sounds so normal to me and the kids until he says it in front of someone new and they get a funny look on their face. Then it appears to not be such a socially acceptable affectation!!!!

Love to all,


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 11:30 PM

Hello everyone, 

I just got back from visiting Mike. Leslie Gade was my chauffer and it was nice to have her with me.

 Mike had a 5 hour surgery to repair some more internal stuff. They reattached his intestines (apparently you don't want them just flopping around loose in there - who knew?) They closed up his stomach partially,  but left part open because they plan on going in again.

I guess a gun shot wound makes a big, dirty mess......not so easy to clean.  So far they've found wood, two cigarrette butts, a dented soda can, one broken flip-flop and a fishing lure.  If anyone is missing any of those things, go ahead and text me. (ok, wood was the only true part of that sentence)

I washed his hair. (hard to locate, but it is there) He hates a greasy scalp. I rubbed it with a cool, soapy towel and he said it felt good.  Then I rinsed him off and told him how great he looked (Lying).   

He should have a good sleep tonight, more heavily sedated again and lots of pain meds.  Leslie was impressed with the names she was reading on the bottles. Odd reaction.  I made sure to check her pockets before we left. 

I had a nice dinner with my sister Debbie, who's doing an awesome job getting Mike's work done at CVC. My Dad and Ling were here and Tanner and Leslie. We had a delicious casserole from Connie and salad and it was very yummy. Made the house smell awesome.  

Love to all,