November 10, 2011


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2011 10:54 PM
Sunday, Day of Rest?
Mike has yet to have a restful sleep. They are constantly trying to get the right medicine combination to alleviate his pain. He did get up and take a few laps around the Trauma unit with his walker. The more he walks, the quicker he recovers. So, he pushes through the pain and trains for the marathon called Life.

I went to visit this morning at 6:30 and stayed for five hours. Most of my visits seem to involve proper pillow placement and politely nudging the nurses for drugs. (for him, not me). The nurse gave Mike a little speech on how they needed to take care of his care..... And not have me doing so much when I'm there. I think that's because THIS squeaky wheel is starting to grate on their nerves. (naaaaahhhhhh, that can't be it).

Kim Sewell spent more time at the hospital today than I did. She would sit out in the waiting room when he got other visitors, then resume her vigil when they'd leave. She got to witness a huge family brawl while out in the hall. (no Doyles were involved). She also flagged down a couple of missionaries to come see Mike. I' m sorry I missed it because Kim and Mike both said it was such a wonderful visit and they were very sweet.  but then show me a missionary who's not).

My mom came to visit but I hardly saw her. I told her it was just great to know she was " on call". So, sorry time will come later.

Thank you to the Bates for bringing the posters with all the pics from the ward on it. Tanner Keller got it all organized and got so many people involved.  Mike was so touched. Thank you to everyone else who brightened our day in various ways. You know who you are. Too tired to name you individually but I'm thanking Heavenly Father for you right now.

Love to all,

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