November 10, 2011


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2011 9:12 AM

Two days ago a nurse brings in a tray of "delicious" hospital cafeteria food for Mike. Now we all know on our hungriest day,  none of us want to go this route for a meal. Mike is no exception. After he'd taken two bites, a nurse yells "Have him stop eating, throw that food away!". Someone forgot to check the results of a test that said he was back on the feeding tube only.  I don't think he was real upset. He doesn't have many working taste buds.

At another point in the day a nurse was giving him a pain medication shot. Again, a frantic voice from the nurses station. "STOP giving him that medication, that's the one that makes him HALLUCINATE!!! So they had to suck it back out of the line and try to reassure me that a little bit wouldn't hurt.  So Mike, enjoy your "little" hallucination.  Don't freak out when the Mud Man is at the foot of your bed again.  He'll be gone soon.

He still hasn't gotten complete relief from pain. Part of that is due to a distended stomach. The drugs are causing his insides to swell. So today he needs to have a procedure to fix that and then surgically have his wound cleaned out at a separate time.

Love to all,

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