November 11, 2011


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2011 10:50 PM

Well, the word for the last few days has been PROTEIN!!!!  The doctor said he needs to get more of it to get strong enough for his next surgery. The necessary amount is suppose to be 115-135 grams a day according to the dietitian.  Well, there is NO WAY he's coming anywhere close to that so I hope it's not that crucial.  I was told he's having a major surgery on Monday.  I will talk to the doctor soon to ask more about it. It has to do with reconstructing muscles.

They have taken away the morphine.  This is the drug that I"M addicted to.  I'm addicted to the calm feeling I get when I see Mike get SOME relief from pain. This diminishes the amount of funny stories we get to hear.  But also clears his brain a bit and he seems like his old self more of the time.  

Yesterday's story was about an old woman who sat next to him typing off and on.  She never spoke to him and wouldn't show him what she was typing. I asked if he knew her and he said no. I asked if she had a nice face or a mean face. He pondered that for a second or two and said "Hmm, nice enough"  I asked "why didn't you talk to her?"  He said he didn't want to know what she'd have to say. He also said people have been poking him a lot lately. I asked "Is it your mom and dad?" (who have passed) He looks and me shocked and said "I hope not". I said "they're probably poking you to get you moving cuz they don't want you joining them just yet".

He has me read all the blog entries. I made one up yesterday since there were only a couple of new ones. I felt a little guilty, but it made him happy. So, no harm done. I prefer to not have the guilt though so post a line or two please.  

Tyler has been here since Friday morning so we have been visiting with Mike off and on throughout each day. 3 times on Friday and 3 today.  Sometimes we go and he just needs to sleep, or try to anyways. If you go visit and they say no to visitors it's because he's trying to sleep. I apologize for the inconvenience.  If you want to call me first you can. 

Thank you for all the love in the form of calls, visits, food, hugs, notes, shoulders to cry on, helping with Sam, help at work, notes to Mike, etc etc. All of it is very appreciated and helps me attend to the things I need to do.  My "To Do" list has changed quite a bit.  I don't even know what was on it before this. 

Love to All, 

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