November 10, 2011


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2011 10:36 PM

Mike had another surgery today. The first 3 were to repair. Then next four were for cleaning the wound. I've had 4 conversations with nurses asking "It just seems to me, when they're in there, they could just get that kidney stone out at the same time". I understand there are larger wounds to deal with, but I certainly don't want to have him be all healed from this and then decide "Hey, now let's open him up AGAIN and see about that 9 month old Kidney Stone. So, finally today, a very nice nurse named Lisa seemed to agree. I truly thought she was nice before she agreed with me, but that increased my appreciation for her. So it's now something that they are going to look into.

They have had a terrible time balancing his medications to give him enough relief from pain that "feels like someone's stabbing me with a knife and twisting it". He thought kidney stone was at the top of the ultimate pain scale. Well it was for him, WAS being the key word here.

Mike has enjoyed every single visit SO much and appreciates every word written on the blog. Sometimes he's surprisingly talkative and other times he can hardly keep his eyes open but still wants the visitor to hold his hand. The other night Bishop Astle came and he would not let the poor guy leave. So if you visit and he doesn't respond much, the loving gesture of holding his hand is still truly felt by him.

Tanner missed his plane today back to North Carolina for his final month of his sales job. He would say it was my fault if you asked him. I would say last night's conversation between us holds a clue as to where the blame lies.

Tan: What time do we have to leave for the airport?
Me: Well you've got to be there an hour before your flight
Tan: I don't know why you'd ever have to get there that far ahead!

I rest my case.

Love to all,

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