December 12, 2011



Hello Friends, 

Oh, that title just cracks me up a little. This is ONLY referring to waking up next to Mike after a LONG REST FILLED night. 

I decided my current favorite way to look at Mike is in the morning light that's peeking through the curtain of our bedroom window.  The shadows hide how pale and thin he looks. The covers are up to his chin and I can pretend that the ugly wound hidden underneath doesn't exist. I can imagine for a few minutes that the nightmare never happened. 

Then of course the thoughts start to creep in.  These include, but are not limited to:   Gratitude for another day of healing that has been given, wondering when all my questions will be answered regarding Mike's case, assessing how my 2 younger children are coping and how this is affecting them, what is the LEAST possible amount of work I can do and still stay in business enough to pay my bills, and do we need milk.
I'll just stop the rambling here. Suffice it to say, my mind is firing in a million directions at all times.  (And we know how efficient that makes a person!! haha)

Mike was SOOOO happy to be warm and cozy sitting with our family last night watching a movie. (RED with Bruce Willis, Mike's twin)  Funny movie. A little hard for Mike to see with all the guns.  I think we'll stick to some comedies for awhile that are bullet free.  

His last bed was plywood with a cheap egg crate foam on top. The one before that was the 30 Thousand Dollar hospital bed that he could NEVER get comfortable in.  He wondered how a bed that cost SO much, could offer so little????!!!!  Last night was a little preview of what the Celestial Kingdom might be like.  A bed that is just the right amount of snuggly with a pinch of support, AND a beautiful woman by his side.  Who could ask for more?  Certainly not him!!!

He's still sleeping.  He woke up for a short bit in the night.  Calling out,   "Nurse?' "Nurse?". "No nurses Mike, just me"  He asks "Lorrie, my wife?"  Yes dear.  He says "Oh, good".  He took some Melatonin and went back to sleep shortly after.  I'm going to have to declare this night on his behalf "THE BEST SLEEP EVER!".  Hopefully I didn't miss anything important as I was flooding the room with my drool!!!! 

Love to All, 

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