December 12, 2011

MIKE WAS SHOT! (In case you haven't heard)


I've missed you all.  I am amazed at the wonderful loving people who have rallied to our sides and sadly surprised at some that haven't. (and yes I'm counting even a loving smile from across the room)  Anyone out there who doesn't know what to say to someone who's going through HELL?  Well, here's the sentence.........memorize it............"I'm sorry to hear your having such a tough time"  There.  Was that so hard? I'm truly not bitter.  I"m just FULLY aware of who to count on in times of heartbreak.  And I thank every one of you who were there for us.  

I have been busy relinquishing my BOSS hat little by little back to Mike.  (He just told me he doesn't want it.....too bad).  He can work all day on a few days and some days just an hour or two. Depends on how effective the current pain killer is working. Apparently healing isn't as pain free as I thought it would be.  Healing is such a nice, positive word.  I didn't realize it could be accompanied by horrible pain that feels like a fireball is burning inside him. We still tell ourselves that it's a good thing.  Nerves that were dead are waking up.  Don't tell me differently please.  Gotta keep a positive thought.

So now to the most important item of business.  

Mike DID NOT shoot himself. It was an easy way for the police to try to close their case. But, the evidence did not add up.  Don't know why they were in such a hurry to question him.  They told me they would wait til he was clear headed. Well that happened at almost 4 weeks into it.  NOT ONE!!!! There was absolutely NOT ONE SPECK of gunpowder on Mike's skin or in his wound.  He had no burn marks from a gun being held right up to his back like the police thought he did.  He had no marks on his back at all. Just a slit in his skin where the bullet went in. So, ONCE AGAIN......NO MIKE DID NOT SHOOT HIMSELF IN THE BACK WITH A RIFLE!!!  

As Mike has no enemies that we're aware of, we're assuming it was a thief who broke into the truck while Mike was out paddle boarding.  He found Mike's gun and ammo and loaded it.  He came up behind Mike when he was about to get into the truck to leave.  Mike "felt" someone there and turned around to look. That's when he said he "heard the loudest sound I've ever heard and saw the brightest orange light".  I'm assuming that blinded him a bit and that's one reason he didn't see the guy.    

After Christmas we will finish up with the Sheriff Dept and see if they have ANY leads. We don't see that happening at this point.  Mike is going to counseling to deal with the trauma he has experienced.  He still jumps when I come up behind him. And he feels very vulnerable out in public.  I'm sure in time that will fade.  When something happens that makes him recall the events on that night, he shudders.  He's so grateful for the CENTIMETER that was between the bullet and his main artery.  Actually, that's what I say I'm grateful for.  He's grateful he was able to scoop up enough loose organs to bring with him to the hospital so he could be stitched back together. He's grateful his truck started that night, when it consistantly had problems doing so, so he could get to where the ambulance could find him.  He's grateful for AMAZING friends and family that came to his aid, his family's aid and helped keep the business going. He's thankful for each and every visit in the hospital, all the cards and best wishes that were given and sent through this website and by other means. We're grateful for those that refused to accept that Mike shot himself, even when we believed what the police told us.  We're grateful for those that thought he did do it, but didn't care.......and loved him anyways.  Those are just a few of the many blessings we've experienced.  That's was we focus on.

May the new year bring us all Peace and Health and a renewed appreciation for the little things.  The littlest thing that we will be grateful for is a tiny grandchild that will come in May to Britt and Brandon. The biggest thing that we continue to be grateful for is every breath that Mike gets to take, each and every day.

Love to all, 

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